Hornbachers Rewards logo
Mobile App

Together at last!

Link your Hornbacher's account with ibotta® today!

Within ibotta®, search for Hornbacher's and add us to your preferred retailer list! Tap on any offer you'd like to unlock, and enter your Hornbacher's Rewards account number when it promps you to enter your loyalty card number. You may have to unlock an offer before adding your loyalty card number.

Note: Your 11-digit account number is NOT the number you provide at checkout.

Loyalty Account Number

You can find your 11-digit account number...

When you log into your Hornbacher's Rewards App OR when you log into your account at hornbachers.com

Loyalty Account Number

No Need to Upload Recipes!

  1. Before you check out, unlock item offers on the ibotta® app.
  2. Use your Hornbacher's Rewards number at checkout as you normally would.
  3. Your ibotta® account will be credited within 48 hours.

We are not affiliated with ibotta®

If you experience any issues within the ibotta® app, or do not receive expected credits, you must contact ibotta® directly.

For more information Click Here

Track Your Progress!

We make it easy to see how many Rewards you've collected.

Simply login to your Hornbacher's Rewards account. Download the Hornbacher's Rewards app to track your progress on the go!



*Rebates expire 30 days from the date they were added to your Hornbacher's Rewards account.

**Rebate discounts cannot be applied to purchase of fuel, gift cards, tobacco, liquor, lottery/lotto, postage, sales tax, check fees, pharmacy and/or money orders.

Additional Questions?

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